UFINET is an Spanish multinational group dedicated to commercialization of natural gas. It counts with a 15.5 GW potency installed and a mix of diversified portfolio in the electricity industry.

“Its very important to us to count with 24×7 support as we don’t have operations in Miami, our best option for this is to contract this service. The benefits are immediate, we count with the qualified personal so we have support with any requirement in site, either failures in the system or new installations”
“Excellent attention at any hour of the day; when we require to translate, buy or store equipmet we have always got support as they were part of our company”
Navega.com operates in the industry of information technology with data transport, networks and bridges as well as the development of fiber optics.

“It has always been a benefit relation to us, we have recieved always support and help when needed. The always find availability for our requirements”